Sunday 30 January 2011

Nicki Minaj on "Saturday Night Live:" A very talented hip hop star who didn't always have it so easy

Niki Minaj on SNL January 29,2011 NBC
Nikik Minag on SNL on NBC

Niki Minag on SNL on January 29, 2011, NBC
Onika Tanya Manag AKA Niki Manag was born on December 8, 1984.  She was born in St. James, Trinidad. She is known as a hip hop and R & B performer.  She moved to Queens, New York with her mother when she was five years old.  She is a graduate of the La Guardia School of performing arts in Manhattan.  This is the same school where Madonna's daughter, Lordes attends.  It is a NYC public school for gifted and talented students.  Ms Minaj mixed her first tape in 2007 and had mixed 3 before she ended up with Universal records. Lil Wayne is responsible for discovering her and in 2008, Niki won the Underground Music Award.. Niki did not have it easy growing up. He father drank and used alcohol and was reported to have set the house on fire with the intention of killing her mother.  There was a report that while she was in London the crowd had gone crazy for her that she had to switch hotels. She was the musical guest on SNL and did a terrific job.

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