Friday 31 December 2010

Russian Billionaire Who is Hosted New Year's Hollywood Celebrity Party in St Barths

Roman Abramovich, is a 44 year old Russian billionaire. He is a business man and the owner of Millhouse,LLC. He is the 4th richest person in Russia, and is ranked as number 50 of the richest people in the world with an estimated net worth of 11.2 billion.
He was married 2 times and most recently is seen with Daria Zhukova a 25 year old Russian model. He owns the largest privately owned yacht, 2 Maybachs (valued at 1.65 million each since they are both bomb proof and bullet proof. A Boeing 767-33 A/ER plane and homes around the world; including the one featured below in ST Barths.

"Eclipse" is a 560 foot yacht that cost an estimated 1.2 billion dollars. It has 2 swimming pools, 2 helicopter pads, 2 on board tenders, and a submarine. Most importantly, it has anti-paparazzi photo shield installed. The yacht is the largest privately owned yacht in the world. This is where the party is going to be held in St Barths.

Boeing 767-33 A/ER Jet

This is the inside of the Gouveneur Estate in St Barths that Roman Abramovich purchased for almost 92 million dollars. This is 3 times the amount that any property had been paid for in the Caribbean.

Roman Abramovich purchased this St Barths estate on 70 acres from Jeet Sigh who had purchased it from David Rockefeller. The cost was 92,106,000.00. It is known as, Gouveneur By Estate


Alecia Keys
Ellen DeGeneres
Portia DeRossi
Demi Moore
Ashton Kutcher
George Lucas
Harvey Weinstein
Stepahnie Seymour
Sean P Diddy Combs
Salma Hayak and many more!

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