Wednesday, 9 February 2011

Lindsay Lohan Goes to Court Wearing a Very Tight White Short Dress: What was she thinking?

Lindsay Lohan going to court, CNN
Lindsay Lohan in her very tight white short dress walking into the court Feb. 9, 2011 CNN
CNN had covered Lindsay Lohan  showing up at the court today for the alleged stolen  necklace case.  It was alleged that she had stolen the 2500 dollar necklace from, Kamfie & Co., a jewelry store in Venice Beach, California.  Lindsay showed up with a media circus. There were helicopters and press with cameras everywhere as she showed up in a black SUV. She was wearing a white very short dress that was very tight. Celebrity  attorney, Mark Geragos had told CNN that white is good because it makes you appear as pure. According to CNN, Lindsay is reported to have more than 25 incidents between; court, rehab,  and jail. As for her white very tight short dress....what in the world was she thinking? 

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