Tuesday, 22 February 2011

Hugh Hefner:' I have gone from a Jitterbug to a Twitterbug:' Hef talks history of Playboy, and how he loves to Tweet

Hugh Hefner on Piers Morgan Tonight, CNN.  He was born on April 29, 1926.
Hugh Hefner with his parents who were teachers, and brother (left).  He grew up in Chicago and graduated from the University of Illinois, Chanpaign-Urbana. 
Marilyn Monroe was on the cover of the first issue of Playboy,  in 1953, CNN.  Hugh worked as a copy writer for Esquire magazine and left because they refused to give him a 5 dollar raise in 1952. 

Hugh Hefner with his Playboy bunnies in the 1960's , CNN

Hugh Hefner was a guest on Piers Morgan Tonight, CNN. He explained how he launched the magazine in his interview with Mr. Morgan.

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