Sunday 1 November 2009

Julia Roberts (Scorpio)

Julia Roberts (Scorpio) born October 28, 1967.

Julia's bio says she had planned on becoming a veterinarian, but her
parents had a theater school and urged her into acting. She became an
instant star after winning a Golden Globe for Best Supporting Actress in
"Steel Magnolias", and for Best Actress in "Pretty Woman". Her numerous
movie roles won her acclaim, and her role in "Erin Brokovich" also won
her a Golden Globe.

Julia's astrological birthchart shows a vital energy that is loaded with
stamina, assertiveness, and highly competitive, with the overtones of
the intense, complex, and mysterious energy of Scorpio. She would
venture into deep or even dangerous situations with all the strength of
a "wise old sage", and come shining through with courage and vigor. Her
emotional nature would seek all the limelight and applause of the show
business world, and she can be very generous, warmhearted and playful in
responding to emotional situations. This energy is closely aligned
with her point of professional achievements and standing in the world,
showing that she was born to be in the world of drama and entertainment,
and would easily touch and hold the hearts of the public throughout her
lifetime. Julia's mindset can be very deep, probing and sometimes tough
or stubborn to change because of an "all or nothing" attitude. Her
artistic nature would compel her to be efficient, detailed, critical and
analytical in all that she is interested in, with quite a bit of
"pazzz", originality, and inventiveness in her artistic urges. There is
also a powerful urge to control, transform or sometimes forcefully change
situations that may get her into some rather unfathomable power
struggles at times. Julia's energy for pursuing her goals is quite
businesslike, structured, cautious and highly-focused on getting
tangible results for her efforts.This energy is closely connected to her
enthusiasm for enjoying success and honors, not only for herself, but
also for all those around her.

For the year 2010, Julia may well be in
line for receiving opportunities to expand and grow with regard to her
goals in life.

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