Saturday 28 November 2009

Marion Cotillard: Libra Celebrity Horoscope

Marion Cotillard (Libra) born September 30, 1975.

Marion is a French singer and actress who has appeared in over 40 film
and TV productions. Born into an acting family, Marion did stage work
as a child, and her portrayal of Edith Piaf in "La Vie En Rose" brought
her multiple awards and international acclaim.

Marion's planetary profile shows a vital energy that is very sociable,
charming, refined and aesthetically sensitive, with the ability to
coordinate, cooperate, harmonize and balance any situation she may be
involved in. Her energy is particularly powerful in that she has the
ability to profoundly transform, rejuvenate or reconstruct whatever has
become obsolete or outmoded. This is a very powerful energy that may
have her going through a process of upheaval from time to time. Her
emotional nature would border on being supportive and protective of
those around her, while at the same time, thoroughly enjoying the
world of drama, showmanship, entertainment and applause. Marion's
mindset can be quite pleasant in her expression of ideas, with a refined
way of articulating her thoughts. She also has the ability to swiftly
perceive and comprehend information, and to assess the usefulness of
what she hears. Marion's artistic and loving nature is quite leonine
and proud, with the urge to seek the limelight, celebrate showmanship
and drama, and give of herself generously and warm-heartedly. Her
energy for pursuing goals is mostly mentally agile, reasoning things
through, always curious and interested in whatever is going on at the
moment. She would have the ability to handle a variety of things at the
same time, and may easily get bored when not totally involved in a
project or two.

For the year 2010, Marion may be in a cycle where she
would be pressured to consolidate her goals, and to become more
conservative in expressing her vital energy.

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