Monday 30 November 2009

Jim Beaver (Leo) Celebrity Horoscope

Jim Beaver (Leo) born August 12, 1950.

Jim served in the U. S. Marine Corps, earned a BA from Central State
University, worked five seasons as an actor with the Dallas Shakespeare
Festival, and played roles in the TV series "Gunsmoke", and "Deadwood".
He is also a prolific writer and is currently playing a role in the TV
series "Supernatural".

Jim's planetary arrangements and cosmic connections reveal a vital
energy that is powerfully leonine, having overtones of pride, courage,
willpower, showmanship and playfulness, combined with the urge to
transform, rejuvenate or compulsively control whatever situation he is
involved in. This energy may cause him to be involved in powerful, or
overwhelming circumstances from time to time. His emotional nature is
that of an entertainer who loves being in the limelight and appreciates
the applause and drama that goes with it. Jim's mindset is that of a
skilled critic, carefully learning complicated techniques, analyzing
everything, and prone to working out all the details. He can be overly
serious or hard on himself at times, or feeling frustrated if things are
not perfect. His artistic nature can be soft, sensitive, sentimental,
and very protective of his artistic style, and his relationships with
loved ones. Jim would pursue his goals with a smouldering passion to
succeed, and with a great amount of intensity to seize opportunity when
it presents itself.

For the year 2010, Jim is in a growth and
development cycle, especially with regard to his most cherished goals.

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