Wednesday 22 July 2009

Yunjin Kim

Yunjin Kim born November 7, 1973.

Yunjin stars in the hit series "LOST", playing the role of "Sun". She is a trained ballet and jazz
dancer, appearing in the Peking Opera Dance Co. Yunjin also is a trained fighter in the art of "Tae Kwon Do", and was a Goodwill Ambassador for the 2002 World Cup in Japan and Korea.

Yunjin's planetary picture reveals an Intense, complex, and somewhat brooding ego structure, always looking for the mysterious and hidden side of things. She acts to get what she wants with a swiftness that is like a "whirlwind
coming at you", ever ready to do things on the spur-of-the-moment, which
may tend to upset an applecart or two! Yunjin always knows what's going
on with her tenacious and investigative mind...but she probably doesn't
like anyone to invade her private thoughts. Yunjin's love nature is
quite cool and collected, and she is probably very, very cautious in
making solid relationships, they must be lasting and real for her to be

The year 2010 may see Yunjin having to make some career and artistic choices that could alter her perspective dramatically.
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