Tuesday 11 August 2009

Rosanna Arquette

Rosanna Arquette born August 10, 1959.

Born into a theatrical family
of three generations of liberal actors, Rosanna was raised in a commune
amongst even more liberal peoples. She made her theatrical debut at
age 8, and moved out on her own at age 14. She is best known for her
roles in "The Executioners Song", "Desperately Seeking Susan" and
"Nobody's Fool".

Rosanna's outlook on life is definitely wide-open and expansive, with a
need to seek freedom and intellectual stimulation wherever she would go.
Her ego and life-force is supremely Leonine, with a big charge of
rebelliousness and restlessness added to that. Not a typical Leo,
Rosanna would rather serve as a catalyst for change than to be idolized,
dramatized and applauded. However, like it or not, she was born to be
in the spotlight of entertainment, and will always have the support of
her fellow artists in her achievements. Emotionally, Rosanna can be
quite intense and smouldering, with some very passionate changes of
feelings when she is hurt or criticized. She would like to dig deep
into the feelings of others to find out what makes them tick. Mentally
and verbally, Rosanna may want to express herself in a most eccentric
way, and would probably seek to "wake you up" with her original ideas,
or spur-of-the-moment thoughts. Her artistic and loving nature is quite
fussy, picky or choosy, but she would go after whatever she desires with
great energy and assertiveness, reaching her goals one step at a time.

For the months of September, October 2009, Rosanna may have to make some monumental decisions regarding her personal and interpersonal life, and perhaps have to choose between settling down a bit, or taking off and
renewing her freedom.

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