Sunday 16 August 2009

Halle Berry

Halle Berry born August 14, 1966.

A former beauty queen, Halle has graced the film industry with her title
role in "Introducing Dorothy Dandridge", and won an Oscar for her Best
Actress role in "Monsters Ball" 2002. She is also a model and
spokeswoman for Revlon.

Halle's astrological chart and planetary picture shows her to be a
true-blue Leonine ego, with three parts of her persona cosmically
connected to that sign. Hers is a dramatic and proud ego system, and
she is blessed with abundant energy to be in the limelight no matter
what she chooses to do. She also has been born with a solid business
persona, and would achieve great heights along those lines.
Emotionally, Hale is high-minded and eager to express her feelings about
any situation. She would long to tell stories and communicate her
thoughts to whoever is willing to listen. Her artistic drive is on the
sensitive side, but always professional, reliable and productive. Added
to that is a great deal of stamina and assertiveness, but always seeking
to uplift and improve any and all situations she is involved in. There
is also boundless energy to create beautiful images and illusions.

For the year 2010, Halle could be offered some heavily dramatic roles to
play, and perhaps inspire her to greater heights for achieving her

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