As a youngster, Keanu showed an interest in acting, and came to the
attention of Hollywood by landing a role in "River's Edge". His first
megahit was for his role in "Speed", and by age 40, became a
multi-millionaire from his roles in the hit movie "The Matrix", and its
sequel. He was awarded a Star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame in 2005.
Keanu's astrological birthchart shows a very heavy emphasis on sign
Virgo, with five parts of his persona cosmically connected to that
sign. His developed personality and outlook on life is infused with the
usual Virgo traits of being able to learn complicated techniques,
demanding careful and detailed work from himself and others, and putting
his personal energy into analyzing and critiquing whatever he becomes
involved in. There is also a very powerful bent to Keanu's vital energy
that would insist on maintaining a controlled, and sometimes
threatening, dead-pan persona, and this energy he projects into his
professional work as well. More than that, Keanu has a rebellious streak
that would urge him to break through society's established structures,
and add his own creative genius or eccentricity to the mix, acting as a
catalyst for change and awakenings. His emotional nature can be quite
sensitive and protective of those around him, and there is an energetic
competitive streak to his feelings that allows him to assert himself
while considering the feelings of others. Keanu's artistic nature is
especially sensitized to the needs of others, and he can be "fired up
fast" , wasting no time, when presented with a venue that he knows he is
suited for and can grow and prosper through. He has uncanny feelings
about what is good for him and what is not. Keanu's overall urge to
pursue his goals and ambitions is persistent, determined and supremely
optimistic and confident that all will turn out well. With an
electrically charged mind, and a "steel trap" grasp of any situation,
Keanu's intellect is far ahead of anyone around him, and he would seek
the personal and professional freedom to express himself in a variety of
unusual and offbeat ways.
For the year 2010, new doors may open for
Keanu to expand his personal and professional achievements, and to
perhaps reach new heights in his life.
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