Thursday 3 September 2009

Jessica Biel (Pisces)

Jessica Biel (Pisces) Born March 3, 1982.

As a child, Jessica pursued a career as a vocalist in musical theater,
and at age nine, she appeared in "Annie", "The Sound of Music", and
"Beauty and the Beast". She also did some modeling and commercial work,
and started her film career at age 14. She made her acting debut n "7th
Heaven", and played a part in "The Texas Chain Saw Massacre" remake,
which terrified moviegoers.

Jessica's planetary picture shows a soft and very sensitive vital energy
attuned to becoming immersed into the creative and romantic arts,
absorbing it all like a sponge. Her birth pattern shows that she would
achieve great success in whichever venue she chooses, and her ability to
maintain high ideals and optimism would carry her far. Her mindset is
of the cool and somewhat detached style, and she would have very strong
opinions about anything and everything that comes her way. Jessica is
an innovative and objective thinker who needs constant intellectual
stimulation about a variety of subjects, and has very high expectations
when she sets her mind to something. Her artistic nature borders on the
radical style, and she would like to be the first to try new and
provocative venues which show her lightening-fast reactions and desire
for anything new and provocative. Jessica's urge to pursue her goals is
very deep, serious and well-grounded. She seeks to harmonize and
balance her actions with the actions of others, and would usually be
considerate and fair when going after what she wants.

For the year 2010, Jessica is in line for a renewed and revitalized energy where her ego is concerned, and may experience a joyful reunion with her musical talents.

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